In diesen E-Mails schildert eine tatsächlich nicht existierende Person in gutem Englisch und glaubwürdig, dass sie Ferien in Deutschland machen werde und während ihres Deutschlandbesuchs ihre Psychotherapie fortsetzen will. Wenn auf diese E-Mail geantwortet wird, werden konkrete Termine und die Vergütung vereinbart. Es wird angekündigt, dass die Vergütung in vollem Umfang im Voraus entrichtet wird. Sodann werden Schecks in Höhe von mehreren tausend Euro per Post an die Praxis des Therapeuten geschickt. Dieser Betrag übersteigt die vereinbarte Vergütung deutlich. Sodann bittet die fiktive Person die Differenz zwischen der vereinbarten Vergütung und dem angeblich versehentlich höheren Betrag, der auf den Schecks vermerkt ist, zurück zu überweisen.
Achtung: Überweisen Sie auf keinen Fall die Summe auf das Ihnen genannte Konto. Die Schecks sind nicht gedeckt!
Hier ein Auszug aus einer der E-Mails:
My name is Susan Wagner; I will be going on my annual leave on the 11th of November and I will be coming to Germany on holiday for 1 month. I would be staying from Sunday 13th of November 2011 to Wednesday 14th of December 2011. I require the services of a Personal Psychotherapist, though this could be done rather flexibly for the entire period of my stay. I will require your services for 3days each week and for 1 session (1 hour),depending on your availability.
I recently got divorced having been married for over 17years and I have been finding it difficult to cope after the breakdown of my marriage. I am unable to sleep well, poor appetite, anxiety and always generally unhappy. My doctor says my mood is clearly a sign of depression and advised me to see a psychotherapist who will be able to talk with me on a regular basis, which will help my confidence and revitalise me all over again. Over the past 1 month I have hired the services of a personal psychotherapist and I find each therapy session very relaxing, refreshing and energising. I find that the more we discuss and talk about my issues the better I feel.
Since I am going on a 1 month holiday I would like to have a psychotherapy program during my stay in Germany. My psychotherapist here in the UK recommends I take at least 3 sessions each week while I'm on holiday in order for me to continue my rapid progress. I believe the more time I spend talking with you, by the end of my holiday's I should be feeling revitalised and eager to come back home to make a fresh and joyful start to my life again. I would greatly appreciate your thoughts, recommendation and the total costs for your services (number of sessions: 12). Any discount for multiple sessions?
I'm 45 years old and a senior accountant, working with Kleenex Foods Limited here in the United Kingdom. I will be happy to pay in advance of my visit to guarantee your services during my stay. I also speak German, so we can have the therapy sessions in English or German at your Clinic/Studio. I look forward to hearing from you, many thanks.
Best regards,