Portal Psych-Info.de
Most of Berlin's PP and KJP are listed in our online psychotherapist search "Psych-Info". There are various search functions: For example, you can search by "zip code", by "target groups" or by "main areas of practice". You can also search for psychotherapists who use a specific psychotherapeutic method or who specialize in the treatment of children and adolescents. The database is only available in German.
Service telephone of the Berlin Chamber of Psychotherapists
(no appointment!)
You can reach our service telephone
- every Tuesday from 2 to 5 pm
- and every Wednesday from 4 to 7 pm
under the telephone number 030 887140-20.
We will be happy to advise you
- if you would like to discuss more details about psychotherapy in a personal telephone call.
- if you do not have an Internet connection and would like to have addresses sent to you.
- if you have questions about using the online service.
The conversations are treated confidentially and can be conducted anonymously if you wish.
You can also send us an e-mail to servicetelefon@psychotherapeutenkammer-berlin.de
Counseling centers in Berlin
Clarifying problems - solving conflicts
Counseling centers provide the best support in dealing intensively with problems. They help when you don't know what to do. In addition to life, parenting and family counseling centers, there are many facilities that are the right contacts for specific conflicts, such as suicidal endangerment, separation, violence in families or drugs. And this is often free of charge.
You can find suitable counseling centers via the following overview pages.
- Public counseling centers
- EFB: Erziehungs- und Familienberatung in Berlin
- www.frauen-gegen-gewalt.de/hilfe-vor-ort.html
- Berliner Krisendienst
- Studierendenwerk Berlin (for students)